Welcome to my cooking blog. My name is Michelle Jenkins. Let me start by admitting that these are NOT gourmet meals, they are NOT fine dining, but they are mine. I have cooked all of these recipes and taken my own photos. They are fairly simple recipes, most of them are quick to prepare and cook and all of them are delicious. I only post my successes! If something doesn't work out, I don't post it. I hope you enjoy this blog.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Spicy Beans

Well it's the day before shopping day, there wasn't much in my pantry and fridge so I was stuck for lunch ideas. I found a 400g tin of 3 bean mix and a jar of salsa in the pantry and I had some low-fat ricotta cheese spread that was nearing it's best-by date. Those three elements plus some fresh coriander from my herb garden and I was good to go...

  1. Drain and rinse the beans and place into a bowl
  2. Spoon 2 tablespoons of salsa over the beans and mix through
  3. Dollop some ricotta spread on top
  4. Garnish with coriander
I was quite surprised with how tasty and filling it was.  D-E-L-icious  XD

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